LG Celebrates Modern Moms

It will be mother’s day in just a few days and it is one of those events that are truly worth celebrating. Being a mom is no easy feat. It entails long hours and 100% commitment. These days, moms are not just in charge of the home (which in itself is already a full-time job) but they are also respected in their own fields. Imagine the huge responsibility that falls on their shoulders.

LG understands that and is working doubly hard to give moms the support they need by constantly innovating and providing top-notch smart appliances. It’s easy to think of these devices simply as a way to store food better, do laundry faster and clean more efficiently but the truth is, it does far more than that. At the end of the day, these modern machines have been designed to improve relationships and promote togetherness by saving busy moms loads of time and energy.


Take LG’s TWINWash, for example. It can take 2 separate loads of laundry – one in the regular front-load washer and another in the smaller washer below. This saves loads of time so instead of spending hours doing laundry on a Sunday afternoon, moms can actually be with their kids, which I’m sure is where they’d rather be.


LG’s InstaView Door-In-Door is truly revolutionary as the glass panel turns transparent when you knock on it. This means that you no longer have to open the ref just to see what’s inside. This prevents cold air from escaping while minimizing spoilage. Nothing’s worse than having to throw food knowing how much groceries cost these days – a sentiment most mothers surely have.

Whether you’re a first-time mom, a grandmom, a single mom, or a second-time mom, LG understands you and your desire to be efficient at home and at work without compromising family time.

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