Apple Breaches the $ 1 Trillion Mark

The first American company to achieve such valuation

Apple sets a new milestone today as the company is valued over $1,000,000,000,000. You read that right: the Cupertino-bases company breached the trillion mark after reporting that their stocks rose to over $207.04 a share based on a share count last July 20.

Apple’s share valuation as of July 20

Apple’s increased share value is credited to its Q3 earnings. While sales of the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers are not that high, it is Apple’s software side—which includes the App Store and Apple Music—that is propelling the company to a continuous growth.

While stock markets are volatile, experts speculate that Apple shares can go as high as $212.79, which would mean an overall market value of $1.05 trillion for the company.


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