ASUS ZenFone 3 Likely To Be Announced During Zenvolution

ASUS Zenvolution

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ASUS’ newest flagship, the Zenfone 3, is rumored to be announced in COMPUTEX at the end of May, and we’ve just gotten a confirmation of sorts to that effect. ASUS is inviting everybody to join in on their Zenvolution livestream event on May 30, a day before the biggest tech show in Taiwan begins.

The event, dubbed Zenvolution, is expected to be the launchpad of their third generation flagship Zenfone, the Zenfone 3. Interestingly enough Intel’s logo is right beside ASUS in the event banner, which means that the chipmaker may play a part in their tablet/smartphone lineup yet, despite the company essentially dropping mobile processors. Of course the event isn’t just about the Zenfone 3 – ASUS’ pre-COMPUTEX shindigs also come with new PC, laptop and hybrid announcements as well.

We’ll be on the ground during this year’s festivities, so tune in then. You can catch ASUS’ livestream here.

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