Cherry Mobile Cuts Price of W900 LTE to Just Php 5,999


If you’re in Cebu, you can get Cherry Mobile’s first ever LTE smartphone for cheap!

Good news and bad news for you gadget lovers. The good news is that Cherry Mobile has gone ahead and cut the price of their first ever LTE capable smartphone, the W900 LTE down to almost half of its price, down to just Php 5,999 from its original price of 11,499. The bad news is that the price cut is only until today, and only at SM City Cebu. Well, it’s not that much of an issue for people living in Cebu, but if you’re here in Luzon and Manila, tough luck guys.

If you need a refresher about the W900 LTE, you can read up on our review of it here. For people not a fan of backreading, know that we were impressed with the W900 LTE’s good looking display, fast LTE performance and generally good camera, even though the battery life didn’t impress us. Still, Php 5,999 is a steal for an LTE smartphone, and you’d be nuts if you don’t try and grab one if you’re in the area.

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