Cherry Mobile to Launch A New Wave of Flare, Omega Phones


Cherry Mobile’s preparing for an onslaught of new devices!

Around this time every year Cherry Mobile goes all out with new products and devices for their Cherry Mobile Fiesta event. This year is no different, and a new poster floating around the web point to several new devices that the local brand will release.

The new devices include the Omega Lite, Flare S3 Mini, Flare XL and Flare S3 Power. It seems like Cherry Mobile is bolstering the Flare S3 product line to include several variants to join the already annouced Flare S3 Octa. The Omega Lite meanwhile, is another entry to the burgeoning Omega series of devices.

While we don’t have an idea of specs for the new phones, we already have SRPs for them: the Omega Lite is Php 4,999, the Flare S3 Mini is 2,499, the Flare XL is Php 4,999 while the Flare S3 Power is Php 4,999. Any guesses on the specs of the new devices?

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