Drone Transformed Into Half-Life City Scanner

Half-Life City Scanner

There are two ways to prolong a game’s lifespan. One is through officially released DLCs and then there’s community made mods. Case in point, Bethesda’s Skyrim and Oblivion still has a healthy fan base because of all the silly and amazing things people have done to add to the game. While some choose to tinker with the game’s software, a Russian handyman, Valplushka, has been diligently working on transforming a drone to bring the Half-Life City Scanner from bits of software code into real hardware.

You can check out his demonstration in the video below:

As you can see, it looks like he put a lot of work to transforming a great toy for big boys into an even greater one. The details on it are awesome and the front plates even mimic the movements of the City Scanners in the game plus that red light really makes you want to go all Gordon Freeman on it. If you want to take a page from Valpulshka and make your very own City Scanner to scare your neighbors, he even includes a how-to video for guys who want to take a crack at it.

Source: PCGamer

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