I Can See You: Website Allows You To Peek Into Unsecured CCTVs In PH

Security camera

Change your passwords now!

If you recently installed a CCTV that connects to the internet, it would be a good idea to change the default username and password. You never know who is watching, because as we found out today, it doesn’t take a genius hacker to just barge in and start watching you from afar – all it takes is a website. Insecam is one such website and while you might think it was made to spy on people, it was actually made to highlight the very real dangers of unsecured CCTV cameras.

The website lists thousands and thousands of unsecured CCTV cameras around the world (around 73,000) which includes around 500 from the PH. With this website anyone can peer into offices, workspaces and even homes – the most private places that you usually retreat to, now open for everyone to see. Garages, kitchens and even swanky pools that are hidden behind tall fences can now be viewed by all sorts of people from all over the world.

Thankfully, the fix is simple – you just have to change the default username and password of your CCTV camera. If you have installed one recently and want to check if it’s secured, it’s simple – just start browsing Insecam and if you suddenly see your living room in there, it’s time to change your password.

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