IFA 2017: DJI Introduces a Quieter Mavic Pro that Flies Longer

That Distinct Drone Buzz Has Been Toned Down

Our favorite drone maker, DJI, is also at IFA Berlin and they introduced a variant of their popular drone, called the DJI Mavic Pro Platinum.

From the outside, it doesn’t look like much has changed with the highly portable drone, aside from a bit of a paint job, but the company boasts that it can fly for longer. The DJI Mavic Pro’s has already been known to fly for up to 27 minutes assuming that conditions are prime and the Platinum adds 3 minutes more to that flight time; giving it a nice round figure of 30 minutes of maximum flight time. It may not sound like much, but those extra minutes push the boundaries and we know people who take aerial photography and videos will greatly appreciate those precious minutes.

The biggest difference between the DJI Mavic Pro and its Platinum brother is that the latter operates 60% quieter, which may raise some privacy issues here but we’re pretty sure that a lot of people will appreciate this because who wants to hear the constant, distinct buzzing sounds of a drone at a wedding, am I right?

You can now pre-orders for the DJI Mavic Pro Platinum which has been priced at $1,099 or Php 56,219 and should start shipping out this month.


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