LG is Done with Modular Phones

LG G5 02

The thought of having a modular smartphone where you could swap out certain aspects of it to suit your personal needs and preferences was a novel idea. You could swap out the battery for a camera that has a less powerful image sensor for those long work days out in the field or on the flip side you could take a slight bump in battery life in order to take better photos for those moments you want to share with the world via your social media feed. As great as the idea is, it just didn’t fly. Google announced that they had put their development of a modular phone, Project Ara, on the back burner about a month ago and now reports have come in that LG is done, at least for now, making modular smartphones after just having tried this approach with the LG G5.

The report came from Korea’s Electronics Times and was picked up by our source, saying that LG is basically withdrawing from its strategy of releasing modular phones and you can expect the G6 that’s coming next year to be your “standard” flagship device. While the G5 certainly had the spec sheet to compete with other flagships out in the market, it’s sales weren’t doing so great and its unique selling point may have been the culprit. Officialy priced at Php 34,990 back in May (Cam Plus Module included), the G5 was definitely around the price range for the flagships released this year but that’s still quite a bit of cash to drop on a phone. After dropping those G’s on a smartphone, you would then have to add on to and purchase different modules if you wanted to make the most out of your phone. Don’t get us wrong though. Out of the box, the LG G5 is a definite performer but we’re guessing the added cost of accessories plus the thought of swapping them out and carrying extra stuff in your bag may have been a turn off for most with the Korean company even admitting that G5 had failed to generate sales.

Related: LG G5 Review: Everything But The Kitchen Sink

The report from Electronic Times also says that we should be seeing an outline for the LG G6 soon and the Korean company is “planning to develop its next Smartphone by applying demands from its customers and markets rather than being buried in creating innovations.” I guess we’ll all have to wait and see. For now, you can check out the latest darling from LG, the LG V20, and its initial review by watching the video below.

Related: Why the LG V20 is an Exciting Android Flagship to Watch Out For

Related: Those Who Pre-Order the LG V20 in the Philippines Get a Free 200GB MicroSD Card

Source: 1, 2

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