Meet the Robot that Will Make the Smartphones of Tomorrow: YuMi

After watching so many super computer AI-related apocalypse type movies and TV series, one can’t help their imagination run wild when they see present-day announcements on robotic development. Take for example this new collaborative industrial robot called YuMi.

Developed and produced by ABB, one of the leading power and automation groups in the world, YuMi is a dual-armed compact robot that was designed to help with production of consumer electronics (aka your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or camera). It boasts of flexible hands, universal parts feeding system, camera-based part location, lead-through programming, and an extremely precise motion control system. In a nutshell, YuMi can do tasks that other industrial automated systems can’t.

Let’s just hope this one doesn’t achieve consciousness and then transforms to some sort of Terminator or Ultron, hehe.

Will YuMi transform to Ultron in the future? :o
Will YuMi transform to Ultron in the future? 😮

YuMi will be on display in international trade shows this year.

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