Motorola Announces Moto 360 Smartwatch AKA The Sexiest Smartwatch Ever Made


You will want to wear this to work, everyday

The wearable market, specifically smartwatches, is a pretty crowded one. Everyone from Samsung, to Sony and even LG has their own version of the smartwatch. To really make your product standout, you need to do something drastic. For Motorola, that meant going back to basics as far as design is concerned, drawing inspiration from classic, premium time pieces of yore, and implementing that design into their Moto 360 smartwatch. The result is one of the sexiest smartwatches ever to be produced by any company to date.

The Moto 360 is part of Google’s Android Wear initiative, and as such is powered by Google’s newest wearable platform. That means you’ll have access to Google Now, as well as the ability to give it voice commands by simply saying “Ok Google”. You can see how it works below:

Right now there’s no price set for Motorola’s new wearable, though the company has said that it would become available around the world in Summer 2014 (June to July for non-US folks) in a variety of styles.

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