MyPhone rumored to launch Quad-core MyPhone A919i this Summer

MyPhone's Teaser Poster on their Facebook Page
MyPhone’s Teaser Poster on their Facebook Page

MyPhone set to launch quad-core Jelly Bean Smartphone?

It looks like MyPhone is finally about to launch a new smartphone this summer (they’ve been quiet for quite a while). A few days ago they posted the image above on their Facebook Page. It’s their first official announcement that an Android Jelly Bean smartphone is on its way. A lot of MyPhone fans are already calling it the MyPhone A919i and upon further research it looks like this device will either be a rebranded Micromax A116 (Canvas 3) or the Micromax A120 (Canvas Pro). After checking specifications of both devices it’s more likely that the MyPhone A919i is the Micromax A116 (Canvas 3). Here’s a quick rundown of the specifications:

Rumored MyPhone A919i or Micromax A116 (Canvas 3) Spec Sheet

Specifications are very competitive against the latest Jelly Bean devices launched by MyPhone’s local competitors — the Cherry Mobile Omega HD and the Starmobile Diamond. That quad-core processor should be more than enough to power the HD display which may lead to a more fluid and responsive experience compared to the Omega HD and the Diamond.

What the Micromax Canvas A116 looks like

Again please note that the only confirmed thing is that MyPhone is launching an Android Jelly Bean smartphone. The actual unit to be rebranded and the specs are still uncertain as we don’t have any official announcements yet. This is just based on what they used for the initial MyPhone A919 (which was also from Micromax).

Keep checking Unbox as we’ll definitely post more updates about this as soon as we get them.

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