Photo of the Week: HTC ChaCha Invasion

HTC ChaCha invades the office!

HTC ChaCha Squadron invades the office!

The first batch of HTC ChaCha smartphones arrived at our office earlier this afternoon. This is the standard issue unit for the social media team. The decision to go for the ChaCha was pretty easy since people wanted something QWERTY, Android, and Touch Screen. Anyway, here are a few more photos of the HTC ChaCha squadron!

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!
To make things interesting I shuffled the ChaCha phones and had the team look for their units. It was crazy. They couldn't find which unit was theirs because nobody customized their phone yet! Hahaha!
Team trying to figure out which phone is theirs!

Unboxing, initial impressions, and review of the HTC ChaCha next week. 🙂

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