Plum is a Smart Gadget for Wine Connoisseurs

Wait, it’s not Viral Fridays yet! Why is Unbox featuring a weird “smart device” on a Monday? Reasons. Also, wine is fun, yes! Wine is great!

Plum is a smart wine refrigerator made for wine connoisseurs. This small black box can only hold two bottles at once, but despite its limited capacity, Plum’s creators say it enhances every aspect of wine-serving. Whatever that means, color us intrigued.

Plum has Internet connectivity and features two cameras inside the bottle chambers capable of scanning wine labels and uploading to a database. A 7-inch touchscreen display above the dispenser provides all sorts of information for the wine-drinking user. You can browse the Internet and find all sorts of info for the wine you’ve stored using the display.

The smart wine ref can also adjust each of the wine chambers’ temperature to the ideal levels, based on database information, or according to user preference. Plum also has a special “preservation system” that allows opened wine bottles to stay fresh for about three months. This allows wine drinkers to savor their opened bottles for a longer time than usual. Wow, now that’s something.

There’s plenty of other newfangled, “space age” technology packed into the Plum, but it’s best to visit their official website for the complete details.

Getting Plum will set you back a whopping $1,499 (~Php 73K), so it’s obviously a luxury gadget for the rich or the truly wine-obsessed. We at Unbox will just settle for a cheap mini-ref for our “wine cellar”.

Source: Engadget

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