After making the 13 Pro series official in India, realme is gearing up for the launch of the standard 13 series in India. According to its teaser page, the standard 13 series will focus on chipset, memory, and charging. What’s confirmed so far is that the standard 13 series will be using a Dimensity 7200 processor–which is different from previous reports that the realme 13+ will reportedly use a Dimensity 7300 processor.
Name confusion aside, the Dimensity 7200 is technically a better option than the Dimensity 7300: aside from using newer Cortex cores that have a higher clock speed, the Dimensity 7200 also has a better GPU than the Dimensity 7300. There’s a possibility that realme might release a different version for India and Global markets, so we will have to wait and see what version of the realme 13 series global markets will be getting.
According to TENAA listings, both the realme 13+ and realme 13 will hjave a 50-megapixel main camera, 16-megapixel selfie camera, and a 5000mAh battery. The main difference will be on the display used: the realme 13+ will reportedly have a 6.67-inch OLED display, while the realme 13 will use a 6.72-inch IPS display.
As for their design, the realme 13 series will be sharing the same design language as the realme 12 4G and 5G models, so we’re not expecting any significant design change.