Retro Is The New Cool: Meet The First Analog SLR Announced In Decades

It uses film and takes all kinds of lenses

More and more people are moving back to film photography, though that’s not to say that the technology is becoming mainstream again. For fans of film photography, gear options are pretty much relegated to the cameras of yesteryear, since the major camera companies have long since moved on to digital cameras.

But now there will be at least one option for film shooters: Reflex 1. Styled after the old Canon and Nikon cameras of old and sporting compatibility with different lenses from Nikon F, Olympus OM, Canon FD and M42, the Reflex 1 is the retro-shooter’s new wet dream.

The Reflex 1 sports integrated flash and continuous LED light, as well as manual exposure and aperture priority settings with +4 stops of EV. It has ISO settings of 25-6400, and uses standard 35mm film rolls just like the old days.

The Reflex 1 won’t come cheap though: the lowest tier reward on the camera’s Kickstarter page lists a GBP 350 price (Php 23.5K) for early backers for just the camera body, with retail pricing coming at GBP 399 (Php 26.8K).

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