Samsung to Launch the Galaxy P Series in China

*This is the Galaxy A7 (2018).

To come with cutting-edge tech

Staying true to its strategy of introducing new tech to its mid-range models, Samsung is working on a new model called the Galaxy P30. The all-new Galaxy phone is reported to be the first Samsung phone to come with an in-display fingerprint scanner.

While brands like vivo, Huawei, Meizu, and Xiaomi have been utilizing the said tech in some of their phones, Samsung will do a different implementation, as they will use an LCD panel instead of an AMOLED panel for the optical in-display fingerprint scanner. There are no details as to how Samsung will pull if off, as in-display fingerprint scanners work only with AMOLED panels as of now. 

As for other features, the Galaxy P30 will come with 64GB or 128GB of internal storage.

There are little details about this all-new Galaxy phone, though reports indicate that the Galaxy P30 will launch in China next month.


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