Specs Matchup: Xiaomi Redmi 2 VS Meizu M1 Note VS Huawei Honor 4X

Redmi 2S 2

Xiaomi’s recently announced smartphone gets compared to other bang-for-the-buck smartphones!

The mobile landscape has changed drastically since Xiaomi started offering their awesome bang-for-the-buck smartphones. While the company managed to stay the undisputed king of bang-for-the-buck devices at the second half of last year, things have changed. There’s now a lot more similar devices to choose from. Today we’ll be taking a look at the specs of the Redmi 2 compared to two devices that may see the light of day in the PH, the Meizu M1 Note and the Kirin-powered version of the Huawei Honor 4X. Let’s take a look at their specs side by side:

Compared to the two other devices, the Redmi 2 seems to be inferior in many ways. It has a smaller display, smaller battery and lower resolution front and back cameras. It also loses out on overall RAM, with both the Honor 4X and the M1 Note offering 1GB more than the Redmi 2S. Probably the only thing that the Redmi 2 has over the other two smartphones is priced – it’s around 2K cheaper if we consider the converted price. Speaking of pricing, both the Huawei Honor 4X and the Meizu M1 Note will be priced higher than their China prices when both devices finally get here, while Xiaomi’s Redmi 2 will probably have roughly the same price (give or take around Php 500) as it has in China if it ever sees the light of day here in the PH.

Speaking of availability, both the M1 Note and the Honor 4X will be coming here in the PH – Novo7 Tech will be trying to acquire stocks (with their IT Director flying off to Beijing in the next few weeks to get demo units) while Huawei PH is shooting for a Q1 release for the Honor 4X. The Redmi 2? Who knows. Xiaomi seems to have stopped with the the Redmi 1S and the Mi 3 in the PH, even though nearby countries have been swimming in Redmi Note 4Gs since Q3 of last year.

Based on pure specs alone, which one is a better buy?

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