Superlux HD661 Headphones Review

The Superlux HD661 with the Samsung Galaxy S3

Superlux HD661 Headphones

If you’re in the market for good headphones that won’t leave a burning hole in your wallet then you definitely have to check out the Superlux HD661. We’ve been testing the HD661 for well over a week now and we’re pretty much blown away with the high level of sound quality especially if you consider the SRP. The HD661 retails for just Php1,990 and comes in 10 different colors making it one of the best budget-friendly cans in the market today.

Unboxing and Packaging

Packaging of the HD661

Unlike previous Superlux products, the HD661 comes in a flashy black box with red sides. The side of the front has transparent plastic which lets you see what the actual headphones look like. You can already see from the outside the glossy black finish of the HD661 which I personally find very appealing *insert gadget lust comment here, lol*.

Superlux HD661 – beautifully made and affordable. Nice combo.

When you open the box you’ll find the headphones resting on a bed of red cloth. The cans themselves look wonderful. The glossy black finish gives it a very premium look and feel and when you pick it up you won’t even think that it’s cheap. It’s made from durable materials and the only thing I would personally like to change about it is the headband. Would love to replace that with leather or some sort of padded band.

Detachable cables FTW

You’ll also notice that there are no cables when you pick the cans up. That’s because the HD661 uses detachable cables. This makes it easier when you need to store the HD661 away in your bug and you don’t have to wrap the cable around the cans because it actually stretches the cables too much and can damage them.

Cable connected to the HD661

The ear pads are very comfortable as well. The material quickly adjusts to the contours and shape of your ears which makes prolonged listening sessions easier to do. We had the HD661 on for over 4 hours before we felt that need to take it off (hehe). There also shouldn’t be any major problems with noise leaking out when you have them on so don’t worry about listening to your favorite tracks on these while you’re on the elevator packed with a lot of people.

What else is in the box?
In a word… a lot. Superlux really pulled out all the stops on this one and I can’t believe this just costs Php1,990. First, remember the red cloth material I talked about earlier? It turns out it’s a carrying pouch (whut). You also get the cable, a clip, and the manuals. Only thing missing really are extra ear pads.

Stuff in the box

Sound Quailty

Now we get to the most important part of this entry: sound quality. For Php1,990 you’d think that these cans would sound average. Well, you’re dead wrong. The HD661 sound amazing considering the price tag. The sound signature of the HD661 leans towards people who like treble with good (not overwhelming) bass and balanced sound. It’s not really neutral since it’s also a bit bright and forward sounding (aggressive). The mids are warm and detailed as well making those guitar rifts come to life.

Everything I said above translated basically means that if you like listening to songs with a lot of instruments and vocals then this will be a good buy. I’m talking about genres like rock, acoustic, alternative, pop, jazz, country, and maybe even classical.

Note that the bass and lows are good but I don’t think they’ll be enough to satisfy bassheads who listen primarily to hiphop and rap.

Pricing and Availability

The Superlux HD661 is available for just Php1,990 and you can find them in most audio stores in malls. Some Apple Resellers like iStudio also carry them.

Unbox highly recommends the HD661 and we think that you’re getting way more than what you’re paying for with this one.


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