This Keyboard and Mouse For The PS4 Will Make Playing FPS A Breeze

Tactical Assault Commander 4

Crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women

Playing FPS on consoles isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when you’re transitioning from PC to consoles. Analog sticks are inferior control-wise when it comes to a keyboard and mouse, at least that’s what Hori, the makers of the Tactical Assault Commander 4, thinks. The peripheral, made for the PS4, replaces the venerable DualShock 4 by mapping the left analog stick to a WASD-style configuration while mapping the right analog to a mouse. This should make mowing down pesky players easier and more precise when facing off against them in multiplayer.

The Tactical Assault Commander 4 will arrive in the UK and Japanese markets in October, so your PS4 multiplayer killing spree will have to wait until then. It’s pegged to be priced at around $130 or 6K. sorry guys, multiplayer dominance doesn’t come cheap.

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