This Special Edition Nokia 3310 by Caviar Costs Php 124k

Big Fan of the US and Russian President and Have Money to Burn?

You may remember the Supremo Putin Edition of the reborn Nokia phone from the days of yore, the Nokia 3310, by extravagant phone-pimping brand — Caviar. The Supremo Putin Edition costs $1,700 (nearly Php 86k). It has a gold-titanium casing and a golden portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the back plus a plaque of the Russian national anthem below it.

Caviar has always been known to put a hyper-luxury spin on devices, most of which have a version dedicated to the Russian President, but now that the relationship between US President, Donald Trump, and President Putin seem to be going along swimmingly — Why not make a Putin-Trump Special Edition 3310 too? Well, they did and it costs $2,649 or just shy of Php 125,000.


The Putin-Trump Summit Edition Nokia 3310 is made of hardened titanium with a damascus steel pattern, like the Supremo Putin Edition this Nokia 3310 has a golden portrait of both presidents and a plaque to commemorate their meeting at the G20 Summit that is currently ongoing in Hamburg, Germany.

We’ve already questioned owning the Nokia 3310 in this day and age, though I still personally want one, but this phone… Wow. Seriously, I can’t even put into words how unnecessarily extravagant this special edition device is; especially since it’s on a feature phone, but there is an iPhone 7 and 7 Plus version of it too. Still, if you have the money to burn and are big fans of the US and Russian President, who are we to tell you how to spend your money?

But, please… Just don’t.

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