Vizio PC and Laptops (CES 2012)

Vizio Laptop cover... what a gorgeous logo!

Vizio All-in-one PCs and Laptops

Among all the gadgets that debuted so far at the Consumer Electronics Show 2012 in Las Vegas, this one has gotten my attention the most. What’s funny is that there are no specs yet provided by the manufacturer. All we have are photos and a video and yet you can’t help but be amazed at how inspiringly beautiful these gadgets are. They can seriously give Johnny Ive from Apple a run for his money. Check out the product line-up of Vizio. 110% guaranteed to make you drool.

Here's the complete line: laptops, desktops (with a separate Keyboard, Trackpad, and Subwoofer), and I heard they're even going to do a 10" tablet.
Let's take a closer look at that desktop... FYI the monitor is thinner than the iMac because the CPU is actually in the base. Cool eh?
The box you're seeing on the rightmost side is the subwoofer that will compliment the built-in speakers on the monitor.
Wireless keyboard and trackpad. To quote Steve Jobs, "they look so good you want to lick 'em!"
And here's the laptop. Very thin. MacBook Air thin.

I don’t know about you guys but this is probably the first set of Windows devices that seriously made me look at my MacBook Pro, Apple Keyboard, and Trackpad and make me feel that I need to upgrade to something outside of the Apple ecosystem! Hahaha! 🙂

Anyway, note that there are no details yet on the pricing, availability, or even the specs. We’ll post it here though as soon as we find out.

To end let me share this promotional video:

Just stunningly beautiful. Let’s hope they get the pricing and the specs right! 😛

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