5 Apps That Can Help You Detox From The Internet

Apart from getting our work done, it’s hard to avoid the added stress the stems from news being passed on social media, especially since a lot of us are working from home because of COVID-19. Whether it’s about another government blunder or just the generally bad news we’re hearing because of the pandemic, these all start to wear down on our general mental health during these trying times.

Taking a step away from the internet is the best thing you can do for yourself and your mental health during the plague, and one of the easiest and most effective way to do that is stepping away from social media. That’s easier said than done obviously, since checking notifications on both your phone and PC is pretty much second nature to many of us by now.

This is where the apps on this list come in. These apps will help you detox from social media, which hopefully will allow you some mental peace during our new normal.

Identify your most-used apps and set restrictions using AppDetox
As you begin your detox, it is necessary to identify your essential apps on your phone or digital device, AppDetox lets you do just that. Non-internet services like your SMS and calls can be left working should anyone need to reach you. AppDetox informs you of which apps you use the most and help you set custom behaviors on how to limit your use of these apps.
Download AppDetox here.

Goodnight Chrome locks you out from your browser
This app lets you take back your nights by forcing you to clock out of Google Chrome at a specified time. Once the app is working, you won’t be able to access the internet using the Chrome browser. It’s definitely a helpful tool to ease your eyes out of the computer screens that emit blue light that can keep you up at night. As the name suggests, this plug-in only works on the Google Chrome browser.
Download Goodnight Chrome here.

Forest, The App that lets you save the environment while you’re away
If saving the environment is important to you, you will enjoy using Forest. The app operates on a reward system wherein for every successful time-away from your phone, a tree is planted and grows inside the app’s virtual forest. Seekrtech, the designers of Forest, has partnered with Trees for the Future, who plants an actual tree in the real world in exchange for the points you amass from using the app. Forest is available for iOS, Android, and Google Chrome
Download Forest here.

Digital Detox: The app designed exactly for that purpose
Unlike the other apps on this list that are productivity tools that double as device blockers for this purpose, The Digital Detox app is designed with the person going on a digital detox in mind. The app takes a straightforward gamified approach to your detox by asking you your preferred difficulty (to disable the app), choose a duration, and simply tap to start. If you find yourself about to give up, the app can be disabled early by paying the app an accountability fee of EUR 0.50 (Php 28.)
Download Digital Detox here.

Flipd: When all else fails

Flipd is a favorite among students and educators as a productivity tool. In the spirit of detoxing from your device, this app is capable of keeping you away from your phone by keeping your device off for a limited period. Just bear in mind that once you start this process then there’s no going back, even restarting the app won’t help.
Download Flipd here.

Bonus tip: Pre-order your meals via Foodpanda
If you heavily depend on food delivery apps but still want to keep your internet use at a minimum, you can pre-order meals using Foodpanda. View restaurants under the “Order for later” list the night before or while the restaurant of your choice is still closed. Just keep in mind that the rider will still need to get in touch when your order is delivered.
Download FoodPanda app here.

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