5 Gadget Must-Haves for your El Nido Adventure

Out of the many beautiful beaches in the Philippines, El Nido is definitely one of the best. It ranked #4 in Conde Nast Traveler’s list of “20 Best Beaches in the World” while CNN Traveler gave it the top spot in 2017. It is absolutely stunning whether you go for a hike to see the view from the top or go for a dive to see the colorful marine life.

It is the perfect destination for adventurous travelers who want to do more than lounge on the beach. It is also naturally alluring, making it very Instagram-able. However, taking photos and videos can be quite challenging without the proper gear.

Hence, this is our list of 5 must-haves for your El Nido adventure (or any beach trip for that matter).

Action Camera

Prepare for your stuff to get wet. Unless you’ve invested in protection for your gear, stick to an action camera, such as a GoPro or something similar from other brands. Besides, you will want to take videos of El Nido’s diverse marine life when you go snorkeling. There are floating handgrip bobbers for sale for around Php 200 by the beach and we highly suggest that you get one in case you drop your GoPro in the water. That way, it will just float and you can easily get it back.


Waterproof Pouch or Waterproof Phone Case

While action cameras can take decent photos, nothing beats the convenience of using your smartphone to share the moment on Facebook or Instagram. Then again, you wouldn’t want to risk your phone getting drenched. A waterproof pouch or phone case is not optional for an El Nido trip it is definitely a must-have to preserve those awesome memories and the life of your smartphone.


Dry Bag

We may seem obsessed with keeping things dry but trust us, you’ll need a dry bag. Some boats are too big to dock close to shore so you may have to swim for it. For just around Php 500 for a 20-liter bag, all your things will be safe and you can reuse it for your next beach trip.

It has everything you need and more.

Charging Station

 Your accommodation may not have enough sockets for all of the gadgets you have for the trip. Bring your own charging station so you can simultaneously charge your cellphones, cameras, tablets and other gadgets. You’ll need them fully charged for your adventure the following day.


So it is not really a must-have but it would be totally awesome if you had a drone. El Nido is absolutely magnificent from the top given its limestone formations and crystal blue waters. Just practice flying before your trip (we don’t want any accidents) and enjoy the view.

Check out some of our recommendations for some of the products you should check out for your El Nido adventure or any beach trip you might have coming:

One Wall Charger to Rule Them All

GoPro Launches Two New Action Cameras

DJI Spark Unboxing, Quick Review: The Little Drone That Could

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