Brazil Slaps Apple With Another $19M Fine For Not Including Chargers

If this news about Brazil fining Apple for the very same reason feels very familiar, then that’s probably because it’s not their first rodeo. Apple’s move to remove chargers from its packaging for the sake of environmental impact is once again causing the company precious resources and money.

A few months ago, Apple was ordered by Brazil courts to pay out $2.3 million in damages for not including this in the package, as well as the ban of sales for these phones. This makes sense somehow, as many perceive the removal of the charger from the packaging to be more of an economical move rather than one with environmental sustainability in mind.

This is considering the fact that any iteration of the Apple iPhone is by no means a cheap phone, especially in Brazil. Here in the Philippines, prices start at a hefty PHP 61.9K.

The Brazil Sau Paulo civil court has ruled Apple guilty of necessitating a second purchase to make the first purchase operational. This lawsuit was filed by the Brazilian Consumers’ Organization and Apple will have to shell out $19 million in damages – a substantially higher amount than the first time around. In addition to this, the company must also provide chargers to all the users who bought the Apple iPhone 12 and 13 devices.

Apparently, this isn’t final, however, it might soon be with the way events are progressing. Apple is expected to contest these legal allegations in court.

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