Budget Gaming Headphones To Consider This 2.2 Sale

The world of gaming peripherals is vast and riddled with options at every price point conceivable. You have various ways of approaching even the design philosophy, with RGB lighting enthusiasts and minimalists on opposite ends of the spectrum. We’ve scoured through Shopee and Lazada for the most popular options getting a price cut soon. This is our list of budget gaming headphones you may want to pay attention to during the 2.2 sale. Take note because of the low prices of these cans they might not be everyone’s cup of tea (and durability is a little suspect) but if you’re looking for good enough cans for yourself or for your kids, these might just be the ticket.

Our Top Picks For Budget Headphones During The 2.2. Sale

Onikuma K19 RGB

(from Php 1,599 to Php 549)

This pair of gaming headphones comes in at almost half a thousand pesos. For that, you’re getting RGB lighting, a fairly interesting design, and “realistic stereo sound” according to their marketing. The sound is brought forth by 50mm neodymium drivers and a high-precision speaker grill. Reviews are stellar for the product and most mentioned that they would definitely buy another one of these for friends and family.

Buy it now on Lazada and Shopee.


Onikuma K9 Pink Cat Ear Edition

(from Php 3,138 to Php 1,090)

Sold by the same company as the K19, this one is for the streamers out there who want to add a little spice to their setup. Besides the K9’s clean pink color, it also comes with distinctive cat ears to fit in the aesthetic. This also comes with RGB light control, a volume switch, and both the microphone and cat ears are detachable based on your needs. When it comes to the audio side, it also has 50mm drivers.

Buy it now on Lazada and Shopee.


V2S K2pro Wired Gaming Headphone

(from Php 488 to Php 289)

Wait, who? The V2S K2pro is one of the bestsellers of all time due to its extremely cheap price. Well, these budget gaming headphones have their price made even lower by the 2.2 sale. It’s a very basic pair of headphones for gaming use, with a mic attached for communication with other players. No fancy bells and whistles here. However, what it does, it can do well given the price. Reviews often mention that the sound is bassy enough but not bloated, and they are heard well over the microphone. That isn’t bad at all for 300 pesos!

Buy it now on Lazada and Shopee.


Badwolf Aura 1 RGB Gaming Headset

(from Php 349 to Php 328)

Another niche recommendation, this pair of budget gaming headphones is on our 2.2 sale radar due to more than 1700 positive ratings. On the side is the iconic logo of a wolf which lights up different colors. Many comments feature cash-strapped students who have used this for both gaming and online classes. The product has aged well for them, and many will probably snatch a pair or few of these during the upcoming sale.

Buy it now on Lazada and Shopee.


FANTECH CHIEF II HG20 Gaming Headset

(from Php 1,584 to Php 772)

This one is most likely from a brand you recognize. These headphones can cater gaming or other uses via either its USB plug or its 3.5mm jack. What this pair has going for it is a noise-cancelling microphone eliminating outside noises from your team comms, a comfortable suspension headband, independent control, and lighting effects. Many reviewers were impressed by the build quality, how sleek the item actually looked in real life, and the durability of the item. Sound quality blew them away as well.

Buy it now on Shopee and Lazada.


Featured Image courtesy of TheLostGamer














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