Cignal TV-to-Go: Stream your Favorite Channels on Your Phone and Tablet

Models and gadgets. Always a good mix.
Models and gadgets. Always a good mix.

Your Favorite Cignal TV Shows Can Now Follow You

Cignal announced a new value added service called Cignal TV-to-Go earlier today at a press event in Manila Peninsula. This service lets you stream in real time the content being aired on selected channels on your smartphone or tablet. Initially it will only be available in selected Android devices but as the service gets out of beta and launches commercially, Cignal subscribers will be able to enjoy this on iOS and Windows Phone.

Here are some pictures we took during the event:

What the app looks like on the Galaxy S4
Streaming TV5! Yay.
PLDT, SMART, and Cignal executives on stage
Some of the bloggers in attendance
Cignal official print ad

Cignal TV-to-Go will be free until the end of August. Sometime before that Cignal will announces the commercial rates and official list of devices and channels. Stay tuned to this space for more details and information as we get them. We’ll also try the service out as we have Cignal at home.


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