Editorial: Level Up! now on Facebook!

There were a lot of awesome games on Facebook (Knights of the Crystals, Assassin’s Creed, Warstorm) in the last year and we have a lot of friends who play these games (we’re guilty–we played some of them, too). They were awesome, because they were easy to play and we could play with our friends, but our only complaint was that it was so hard to buy anything. And now there are even better games on Facebook that could be better if there was an easy way to buy.

We were happy to hear from our friends from Level Up! that they have an easy way for Filipino Facebook users to buy Facebook Credits with ease–through Level Up! prepaid cards. You can convert your Level Up! prepaid card into Facebook Credits!

Just go to Account –> Account Settings, and click on the Payments tab.

Nice to see that familiar logo on Facebook

This is really great for Level Up! Congratulations, guys!

For more details, see their announcement here.

Author’s note: Carlo, Colin and I were former colleagues in Level Up!. 🙂

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