This 74-Year Old Pokemon Go Player is a Real-Life Professor Oak

Meet the Pokemon Maestro!

Age is but a number to anyone who loves Pokemon. But for 74-year old Spaniard Amadeo Busquets, being a Pokemon player would mean him reaching the highest level at Pokemon Go, becoming a real-like Professor Oak in the process.

In an interview with media site PlayGround Plus, Busquets explained as a diabetic, he needs to walk at least four kilometers a day, and he finds it boring. The solution? Playing Pokemon Go while going for his daily walks. He became so fascinated with the game, he ends up playing Pokemon Go for eight hours a day. The result? He was able to collect almost all Pokemon available, with an average of 90% IV, making him not just a collector, but a competitive player that wins in gym battles!

His collection is worth noting: He has captured several rare Pokemon like Gyarados, Lugia, Dragonite, and Tyranitar. In addition, Busquets has amassed almost all gold medals possible in the game.

“I have a young person’s mind and that’s all,” Busquets candidly shared. Check out the his video interview below:

Don’t you wish we all grow old as cool as him?

Source: Playground Plus

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