Epson #MakeTheSwitch Campaign Promotes Sustainable Living

In its pursuit of sustainability and transformative change, Epson launched its #MakeTheSwitch campaign to inspire individuals worldwide to adopt energy-saving practices. This digital campaign aims to raise awareness about the significance of energy conservation and the collective impact of individual efforts.

As part of its broader commitment to sustainability, Epson has set ambitious goals through its Environmental Vision 2050, where it aims to become carbon-negative and eliminate the use of non-renewable resources like oil and metals in its operations by 2050.

The #MakeTheSwitch campaign provides valuable tips to reduce energy consumption, including using LED bulbs, opting for public transportation, and preparing heat-free meals at home. Epson utilizes the digital space to suggest a series of energy-saving activities, empowering people to make small changes that contribute to a significant environmental difference.

Epson is actively working towards its sustainability goals through various initiatives. These include the development of energy-efficient products, waste reduction, and enhanced energy efficiency in manufacturing facilities. Epson believes that every individual has a role to play in protecting the environment, and their #MakeTheSwitch campaign serves as a call to action for global participation.

One specific area where energy conservation can be achieved is through printing with its energy-efficient inkjet printers that use Heat-Free Technology. This technology eliminates the need for heating elements in the ink ejection process, resulting in lower power consumption and reduced environmental impact. Compared to laser printers, Epson’s inkjet printers have fewer consumables and require less frequent part replacements, thanks to their Heat-Free Technology.

“There are several ways we can reduce our energy consumption and save the environment,” Epson Philippines President and Director Masako Kusama said. “For Epson, we aim to realize a sustainable future by driving technological advances based on our philosophy of efficient, compact, and precise innovation.”


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