5 Reasons to Absolutely Love AI at Home


These lovely ladies welcomed me to Korea. 🙂

I just got back from Seoul, South Korea a couple of hours ago because I attended the LG Innofest.  I must say, the #Titalennial in me is absolutely thrilled! While checking out new phones is one of the best things about being part of Team Unbox,  I’ve come to appreciate other forms of tech as well – “Tita Tech” if you’d like to call it that – since I got married last year.

LG invited us to visit their AI home powered by their ThinQ technology and it was one mind-blowing experience!  Artificial Intelligence has been generating a lot of buzz in the tech scene, mostly because of how it can enhance the experience on your mobile devices.  This quick trip to Seoul gave me a greater appreciation for it because of how it can make any home better and life way easier.

LG showed me numerous reasons to absolutely love AI at home.  These are just some of them.

AI can save you a lot of time.

Menial tasks may be a no-brainer but they do tend to pile up and take up so much of our time.  Those of you who clean up your own space can surely relate. Add the weekly laundry to that and chances are, you’ve already spent hours on chores alone.  Each minute is time spent away from family and from work. Wouldn’t you just love to spend it doing something more productive instead? LG’s AI appliances greatly simplify tasks.  You can tinker with the settings so that it will automatically do things for you like clockwork so you have more time to do what you love.

AI is a great way to save energy.

How many times have you left your house in a rush and forgot to turn off the lights?  I think we’ve all experienced that at some point. Imagine what it would be like if room lights automatically turned on once we walk in and turned off the minute we leave.  I would certainly love to pay less for my electric bill and it’s great for the environment too!

The bedroom of LG’s AI Home.

AI can relieve you of stress.

If we declog our mind of the little things, we have more time to focus on the important things.  Sometimes it’s the sheer volume of our tasks that stress us out. Let’s be honest, there aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done.  Relieving ourselves of tiny tasks can actually relieve us of stress. AI automates tasks so we never have to worry about it.  We can also manage to get more hours of sleep at night.

AI empowers you to DIY

Why pay someone for something that you can do yourself minus all the heavy lifting? Are you out of fresh clothes? Why go to a laundry place when you can do 2 loads simultaneously with LG’s TwinWash?  AI technology enables you to become independent without having to do the grunt work.

AI lets you focus on things that truly matter.

Simply put, AI makes life easier by eliminating repetitive chores and automating tasks.  It also learns the users’ behavior through time to optimize efficiency. With AI, we can focus on things that truly matter.  

After the LG Innofest, I had a clear vision of my #DreamHome – a cozy place with hard working gadgets that frees my time and empowers me to do what I love.

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