Happy 15th Birthday, iPod!


Yup, it has been that long since the iPod was first unveiled by Steve Jobs in October 23, 2001. If you suddenly feel sentimental remembering your old music player, then yes, you are kinda ancient. Don’t worry, so are many who are reading this.

As we celebrate the iPod’s 15th birthday, let’s look back at how this once revolutionary device has evolved through the years.

When the first iPod was introduced, it didn’t really make waves because it was priced at $399 with a limited 5GB storage. It didn’t help that the device was only compatible with Mac computers. However, the iPod completely turned the business around in 2003 when Apple launched an iPod along with iTunes for Windows and the iTunes Music Store.

Suddenly, music lovers no longer had to rip songs from CDs or download from peer-to-peer sites. They simply had to buy their favorite songs and sync them to their iPod. While it may seem like a hassle today, that was a breakthrough back then. The iPod pretty much killed CD players and grabbed the market share of other MP3 products that didn’t work quite as synergistically as the iPod.

From there, Apple had nowhere else to go but up. They launched the iPod mini, shuffle and nano, making the device available and affordable to just about anyone. Apple was unbeatable. Not even Microsoft’s Zune could loosen their grip.

However, just like any product, the iPod lived out its lifespan. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 marked the steady but sure decline of the iPod. Why carry a phone and a music player when you can have both in one device? Still the iPod left a legacy as it ushered in a world where people have access to their favorite tunes anytime, anywhere.

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