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Japan Breaks Internet Speed Record With 319 Tbps Speeds

Fiber optic cables

How fast is your internet speed right now? If you think you have a fast plan, wait till you hear what Japanese customers can potentially get in the next few years. Japan has just achieved the fastest internet speed in the world. Engineers at Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) have managed to surpass previous records and have recorded data transfers as fast as 319 Tbps, twice the record of 178 Tbps.

To put that in perspective, currently American space agency NASA uses a speed of 400GB per second. For domestic use, first-world countries are able to achieve at least 10GB per second for their standard internet speed. None of these currently compare to what Japan has achieved through recent experimentation and development.

How is this possible you ask? It’s simple. This new record was made possible by combining the already existing fiber-optic infrastructure with more advanced technology. As opposed to a standard single-core, the Japanese team used quadruple cores. These cores are glass tubes placed in the fibers to transmit data. Japan used a technique called wavelength division multiplexing or WDM for short. The signals are then separated into various wavelengths and are able to broadcast signals at the same time. To push out more data a third band is added to increase the distance via optical amplification tech.

There’s no word yet when this new tech will roll out to consumers in the country, though at these speeds it’ll be likely it’ll be used for backend applications and will form the basis of fiber backbones for telco infrastructure. But for now, Japan will have the fastest internet speed to date.

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