Meta Introduces Facebook Reels with Monetization Options

Meta is bringing short videos on Facebook to compete with TikTok. The new feature is called Facebook Reels and is launching today in more than 150 countries across the globe.

Meta Introduces Facebook Reels with Monetization Options
Pretty much like TikTok, it allows users to create short videos. This one, however, can be cross-posted on Instagram and vice-versa for a much wider reach.

In addition, Meta is also launching monetization options for creators where they can make money simply through advertising.

Available in the United States for now, the Reels Play bonus program will pay eligible content creators up to USD 35,000 a month based on the views of their qualifying reels. According to the company, this should help creators fund their work and better understand what types of content works on Facebook.

Moreover, together with the monetization options, Meta is launching new creative tools such as:

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