Metal Slug: Awakening Philippines Soft Launch Set for June 28

Upcoming mobile game Metal Slug: Awakening is set to have a soft launch on June 28 across six markets in Asia that includes Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Metal Slug: Awakening will be available exclusively on Android, where users can begin downloading the game from June 27, 2PM and participate at the soft launch from June 28 (10AM) to July 11. The soft launch will be limited to 5000 players per country. Those interested to join the soft launch can register here.

Metal Slug: Awakening is the mobile version of the iconic run-and-gun game Metal Slug that is licensed by SNK and fully supervised and developed by TiMi Studio. The game was first unveiled at Tencent’s game conference in 2021 and has since then launched in Mainland China this April. 

From arcade to mobile platform, Metal Slug: Awakening retains most of the signature features that made the classic shoot-em-up game legendary: from the simple yet addictive side-scrolling gameplay to various maps & bosses–as well as the iconic heroes like Marco, Tarma, Fio, Eri plus the well-known super vehicles–SV-001, Camel and the exclusive weapon systems. 

Aside from preserving the original Metal Slug gameplay, Metal Slug: Awakening will include new modes like “Hot Pursuit” and “The Maze”.

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