Millennial Talk: A Guide for Titos and Titas of Manila


There are many schools of thought as to the age range of a Millennial. Some think that Millennials are born within the years of 1976-1996, while other say that it’s more like the early parts of the 80’s to 1998. Whatever age range you think Millennial are, the team at Unbox PH definitely fit the bill. We were born in the awkward transition phase and most people who have studied Gen Y seem to think that Millennials who were born in the early 80’s act more like Gen X’ers, which basically means that most of us act like the Titos and Titas of Manila that we, admittedly, are.

This isn’t tech related at all, but we’ve been trying to get in touch with our Millennial side by brushing up on the lingo young whipper-snappers use nowadays and we thought we’d share what we’ve come up with through our crowd-sourcing efforts, as a sort of guide for all you other Tito and Titas of Manila out there.

Before we begin, we’re going to have to apologize for some of the language here that we will censor or try to put as delicately as much as we can. Also, prepare for all the memes!

1.) AF

AF is an acronym that stands for “as f**k”. This is used like an adverb to qualify or modify an adjective or verb. While a Tito/Tita of Manila would typically say: “I’m super drunk.” or I am extremely drunk.”, Millennials would just say: ” I am drunk AF!”

2.) SOL

SOL is an acronym that stands for “sh*t outta luck”.

Usage: “I locked my keys in the car while changing a flat tire. I’m SOL today.”

3.) Lit

While Titos and Titas of Manila would typically used the phrase “on fire”, Millennials have chosen to shorten the phrase further with the use of the word “lit”.

Usage: “This party is lit!”

4.) Savage

The word Savage is used to describe a particularly brutal dig at something or at someone. This Facebook post mildly illustrates the use of this word.

5.) Woke

Woke is typically the past tense of the word: wake, but it can now be used to mean being aware of issues or knowing what’s going on.

Usage: “This list got me woke on how to use these terms.”

6.) Ratchet

Definition from the Dictionary: a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only.

Definition from the Urban Dictionary: A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she’s wrong.

Wow! Ang savage naman nito!

7.) Thirsty

Definition from the Dictionary: Feeling a need to drink something.

Definition from the Urban Dictionary: Desperate. Too eager to get something (typically of a sexual nature).

Usage (with combo bonus): “You’re going through a dry spell? You must be thirsty AF!”

8.) Salty

Definition from the Dictionary: Tasting of, containing, or preserved with salt.

Definition from the Urban Dictionary: Pissed or upset

Usage: “Dude, you lost fair and square. Don’t be salty.”

9) Carps and Pics

We’re going to lump these two together given how they can be used in a very strange conversation.

Millennial A: “Dude, basketball later. Carps?”

Millennial B: “Pics.”

Let’s break down this extremely short and bizarre conversation.

Carps is short for carpet. A carpet is also called a rug. Rug is spelled R-U-G. R-U-G is short for “Are you game?”

Now, on to pics. Pics is short for pictures. Pictures are also called images. Image can be shortened to IMG. In this case, I-M-G is short for “I am game.”

10.) Scoobs

This term is homegrown. Let’s start off with an example.

Millennial A: “Pare, basketball tayo mamaya?”

Millennial B: “Scoobs. May test ako bukas.”

Hold on to your seats. Scoobs is what Shaggy calls Scooby Doo for short. Scoody Doo is a Great Dane. Dane or “Deyn” is short for the tagolog slang “dehins” or hindi. Therefore, Scoobs means no.

Obvs, there are a plethora of ways one could combine these terms to make you sound millennial AF. For example: “The new Call of Duty is lit AF. Too bad there are a lot of thirsty trolls who are salty. I’m playing another round. Carps?”

So there you have it, a list of ten millennial terms we’ve compiled through crowd-sourcing on our personal Facebook pages. Hopefully, if you’re a Tito or Tita of Manila — just like us —  this list helped you understand some of the terms you might have been hearing from younger colleagues or been seeing floating around social media.

If you’ve got more terms like the ones above or have better examples for the ones we’ve left, leave them in the comment section below. Try to keep them as PG as possible or we might have to can it altogether.

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