Pokemon Go Receives Update; Fixes “Nearby” System

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If the rain has been deterring you to catch Pokemon, you may as well take advantage of the nearest WiFi connection you can get to and update the Pokemon Go app. The update that was dropped today fixed a couple of key features for budding Pokemon trainers; especially the recently changed “Nearby” system that had people up in arms.

Niantic Labs is testing out a new system that highlights Pokemon “Sightings” in the area and you may see significantly less Pokemon on this tab from now on, as they have eliminated the duplicate Pidgey, Spearow, and Ratatas you can catch around you. The awesome change to the nearby system, however, now allows trainers to see what kind of Pokemon they can catch in the vicinity of certain Pokestops, which is a very welcome change that can help you plot out your routes properly.

Here are the rest of the changes via the patch notes in the app:

How are you guys doing on your Pokemon Journey? Stay tuned for more Pokemon Go News plus some Tips and Tricks to catch ’em all.

Source: UnGeek, Kotaku

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