Report: Mobile Data Is Cheapest In The Philippines

While many people would consider that mobile internet in the Philippines is pretty terrible, there’s a surprising silver lining. According to Bloomberg, we pay less per MB of data compared to other countries on average, with data costs being cheapest in the region.

Considering that China has an average of $1.13 (Php 56) per MB, Philippine customers are paying for just $.10 (Php 5.03) which is a fraction of the cost. The next cheapest is Indonesia, at $.30 (Php 15) per MB.

But the price war isn’t without repercussions. PLDT, the parent company of Smart, was the worst performer on the Philippine Stock Exchange Index last year, and its 2016 profit is forecast to be the lowest since 2003. Globe was the fourth-worst and recorded a drop in income for the first time in 3 years.

So despite being the cheapest, why are there so many complaints still? Well, having the cheapest data offers doesn’t really mean much if you can’t use it – slow internet has plagued the country for as long as we can remember. Until both telcos fix their service and start delivering world-class internet to our phones, having the cheapest data in all of the land doesn’t really mean much at the end of the day. To be fair, both Smart and Globe are actively trying to improve their service, with Smart and PLDT updating their lines to deliver faster internet by the end of the year.


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