Some Gas Stations Implement Gas Price Rollback For The Week

There has been a lot of fuss lately about fuel costs, with many saying we are en route to Php 100/liter. This is terrifying news as it is also projected to drive up costs for goods and services since all of these require some sort of logistics. Just last week we had a significant increase with news of a titanic one following up next week. With no foreseeable end to the global tensions and economic sanctions at the moment, consumers just have to buckle their belts. In light of these events, some gas stations have implemented a price rollback in order to one-up the major competition.

Photos from PetroGazz Facebook

Not everyone is bold enough to do a gas price rollback now. 2 gas stations so far have risen up to the challenge: EcoOil and Petro Gazz. They’re relatively smaller brands, but they’ve made this giant leap in hopes of gathering market share at a crucial time. The discount will be Php 5.85/Liter for Diesel and Php 3.60 for Gasoline, respectively from March 10-13. Coincidentally, these were the exact prices before the hike last week, so we’ve somehow entered a time capsule for a brief moment.

We’re not sure if they’ve purchased fuel in advance predicting this scenario or they’re really just selling at a loss – but this is a smart move nonetheless.

This strategic decision comes at a time when panic is at an all-time high. After all, most people are happy to finally be able to travel under less stringent Alert Level 1 conditions. Just as COVID-19 regulations eased up though, gas prices soared through the roof. This debacle isn’t stopping all citizens from roaming around though. Some have resorted to hoarding gasoline by bringing their own storage canisters to the station. While it looks comical on social media, this is indicative of a hard reality we’re going to have to face.

It is almost guaranteed that many will be lining up at their nearest EcoOil or PetroGazz branches to avail of this discount. This also works out for these gas companies who want to steal customers from the major players and get consumers to actually try filling up with them. A few of these first-timers might just be converted into loyal customers for the long term.

Interested? Check out their Facebook pages for the branch nearest you! We’d also like to remind you to be careful when storing gasoline – please stay safe.

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