Tiktok Shop Rival? YouTube to Introduce Live Shopping Feature

With TikTok expanding to the eCommerce space with its live shopping feature, YouTube wants to match what TikTok has to offer as it sets out to introduce Live Shopping to eligible creators.

While eligible creators can sell products through YouTube, the addition of a Live Shopping feature opens another avenue for creators to promote their products while live streaming. As explained in the video, eligible creators will have the necessary tools to manage live shopping that include YouTube’s product tagging feature, offering exclusive perks through promo codes and special discounts, and interactive features like live polls and Q&A to keep the audience engaged with your live stream.

Similar to TikTok Shop, the buying and checkout process of YouTube’s own version are all done through the app. In YouTube’s case, the difference with their own approach is that the live stream gets minimized and continues to play via picture-in-picture while you are completing your purchase. Aside from that, viewers can still access the list of featured products even if the live chat has ended.

Currently, the Live Shopping feature is given priority access to creators that are under the Partner program, but will eventually roll out in more markets in the coming months.

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