Huawei Cloud Releases AI-Assisted Software to Detect COVID-19 Cases

And they are giving it to hospitals for free

As part of the many efforts in helping out detect possible COVID-19 cases as soon as possible, Huawei Cloud, Huazhong University of Science & Technology and Lanwon Technology have worked on a new software that will help hospitals in detecting potential COVID-19 cases.

Utilizing an AI-assisted version of CT scans, Huawei Cloud’s software analyzes tomography images uploaded to the cloud within two minutes. After the analysis, the software gives an assessment if the patient suffered from Pneumonia due to COVID-19. The software combines clinical information and laboratory results to distinguish between early, advanced, and severe stages of COVID-19.

Through an “AI+ doctor review” Huawei Cloud hopes that their software will help doctors accurately diagnose COVID-19 cases amidst the growing number of PUIs admitted in hospitals

As part of its contribution to combat COVID-19, Huawei is offering the software to Philippine hospitals for free. “We want to partner with Government and Private-Run hospitals for this project. Partner hospitals will upload the CT Scan of patients to Huawei CLOUD and a 3D rendition of the scan will be received by the medical professional in minutes” Mr. Shen-
Huawei Cloud Head for the Philippines”.

Those interested about the software may contact Huawei here.


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