4G Download Speeds in the Philippines Peak Early in the Morning According to Opensignal

Download speeds dip during rush hour

In its continued research about 4G connectivity in the Philippines, Opensignal’s latest findings show that 4G download speeds vary depending on the time of the day.

For the Philippines, Opensignal noted that fluctuations in download speeds are wide, with speeds going as fast as 2.8 times during the fastest hour of the day—specifically, during the wee hours of the morning, at around 3AM.

From 6AM onwards, download speeds go down, with the lowest point being during rush hour (at around 6PM to 8PM) due to the number of people using 4G at that time. As for speeds during rush hour, users in Metro Manila average around 10.4Mbps, while users in Visayas and Mindanao go as low as 5Mbps during this period.

Opensignal’s new findings show that while the country is capable of delivering fast download speeds, the sheer number of users play a big factor with network bottlenecks.


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