93% of Netflix’s US Library Not Available in the PH: Reports


Some US films and movies are not in the Philippines

Netflix may be officially in the Philippines, but that doesn’t mean all of the available movies and TV series in the US are watchable here. Rappler is reporting that 93% of Netflix’s titles that are available in the US are not watchable in the Philippines according to website Finder.com

Fans of the Flash, The Walking Dead and Star Trek are unable to view their respective episodes here via Netflix. It’s not just TV shows that are affected – there are some movies that are also not available in the Philippines as well.

Netflix originals are present, including titles like Narco, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and others. There may be copyright issues revolving in the background which may be holding the full release of the titles, something that’s to be expected with the launch of any new streaming service.

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