Clash of Clans Hog Rider, PEKKA, and Giant Collectible Figures

Clash of Clans Hog Rider m

Hog Rideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!

As you guys probably know by now, we’ve been playing a lot of Clash of Clans lately. We even have an Unbox Clan (we’re recruiting btw, see bottom of this post for details). You probably also noticed that we love collecting toys, statues, and figures of our favorite characters! Put those two things together and it’s not a surprise that we snapped up the first high quality collectibles of Clash of Clans that we could get our hands on.

A few weeks ago we featured the figure of the Witch which we bought from Shoppesville in Greenhills. Today we’d like to share our latest haul featuring the Hog Rider, PEKKA, and the Giant.


Hog Rideeeeeeeeer!

First up we have the infamous Hog Rider. He’s without a doubt one of the most well-known characters in the game thanks to all the TVCs he’s had and that annoying “Hog Rideeeeeer” yell of his. For this figure we got him on top of his ride while holding his huge battle hammer. The figure itself is very faithful to the actual character in the game and the build quality isn’t too shabby either.

Here’s a close up shot of the Hog Rider’s face.

Look at those eyes 😮

And of course we need to do a close-up of the Hog. 😛

Close up on the hog!

This figure would have been so much sweeter if the arm with the hammer was movable. Or maybe if the head was interchangeable with different facial expressions. Anyway, still not bad for Php800.



Next up we have one of our favorite characters in the game (and our preferred weapon of choice in war raids), the mighty PEKKA. Based on the color this is probably a low level PEKKA as the higher level ones are black. The purple aura/energy around it is probably a Rage spell.

The manufacturers of this figure got all the details spot on though we can’t recall seeing nipples on the PEKKA in-game or in the TVC that featured it, hehe.

Time for his close-up… meron pala Nipples ang PEKKA

Also we felt that this figure should have been a little bigger. It’s a bit small when put side-by-side the other figures in this series.


Hooo boooy!

Lastly we have the mighty “G”, the Giant. Based on the color of his clothes this is a low level giant as well (higher level one wears black furry stuff). Kinda weird that they used a smiling facial expression for this one. Looks… creepy, hehe.

Nice belt

Also they put a big “G” on the belt which is exactly what the character has in-game (horray for the little details).


And that’s it for this series! So far we have the Archer Queen, Barbarian King, Witch, Hog Rider, PEKKA, and the Giant. We still haven’t seen any figures of the other characters but we’re definitely going to get them should they be available locally. We’re pretty excited to see if the flyers will have figures of their own and what they will look like.

All the figures were bought in Shoppesville Greenhills. Price range is anywhere from Php750 to Php900 depending on your haggling skills. 😛

Join the Unbox CoC Clan!

By the way, we have a small clan in CoC. We currently just have around 15 members but we’re planning on growing it to around 20 or maybe even 30. If you’re interested in joining just apply to the ShadowCircle PH clan. We have wars everyday during weekdays (M-F) and we take a break during weekends. Minimum TH level is 7 and minimum trophies are 1,000. We plan on having an EB of sorts for the clan sometime in October. 🙂

PS: Here’s some trivia. Shadow Circle is the name of the guild I founded and ran when I was still active in Ragnarok a decade ago, hehe. ?

See Also:
Clash of Clans Witch Collectible Figure

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