Duterte Turns To The Masses For Campaign Funding, Outs Scratch Cards


The scratch cards are traceable sources of campaign funding

Presidential aspirant Rodrigo Duterte is turning towards unconventional means for his campaign funds. The Davao mayor has outed scratch cards with denominations ranging from Php 25 up to Php 500,000.

The scratch cards come in a variety of designs and materials – the cheaper cards priced from Php 25 to Php 500 are paper while the higher denominations from Php 1000 all the way to Php 500,000 are made out of PVC.

Each card has a PIN number that can be scratched off, which the contributor sends via SMS to a central gateway. This allows the funds to be continually tracked and traceable, which can be submitted to authorities later if there are doubts about the source of the funds.

Duterte’s camp also says that the cards can be a form of deterrent against cheating in the coming polls, as the card holder’s name and addresses registered in their database can be cross-checked against the database of the COMELEC in different precincts if they text “voted” to the SMS gateway right after the polls.

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