Google Unveils Google Go For India, Indonesia

It’s a more streamlined version of their Google Search app

Google has officially announced a streamlined version of their Google Search app for Android, Google Go. Google Go is a less data-hungry way for users to search content on their phones, primarily meant for developing countries with spotty or slow connections.

The app allows users to do search in both text and voice, as well as trawl the web for images, GIFs, translations, videos and more. Being less than 5MB in size the app is perfect for phones that have limited storage, and is optimized to save up to 40% of data compared to the traditional search app on full-sized phones.

The app is meant to compliment Android Oreo (Go edition), a version of Android that’s meant for entry level phones. Android Oreo (Go edition) is optimized to run on devices with 512MB ot 1GB of RAM, and Google Go compliments the low-spec requirements of this unique Android build perfectly.

Google Go is currently only available in India and Indonesia for now.

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