Hold On To Your Pokeballs: Pokemon Go Rumored To Launch In Asia, Europe In “Next Few Days”

We’re all waiting for Pokemon Go to launch officially in our country, with Niantec and Nintendo not giving a solid time frame on when the hot new mobile game will launch. There is a sliver of hope though – according to the Wall Street Journal, several of their sources have said that the game will launch in Europe and Asia within a few days.

Now, this is only a rumor, mind you, but it makes sense. Niantic and Nintendo needed a few additional days to deal with the unexpected popularity of the game whose traffic caught them off guard. It’s also not surprising that the companies want to tap into these markets as soon as possible since the IP is so popular, both here and other Asian cities. Finally, the proliferation of possbily malware-infected APKs that Pokefans have been downloading in regions not covered by the official launch might also factor into their decision to officially release the game as fast as possible – though again, keep in mind that everything is conjecture at this point.

Source, Via

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