Iron Man 3 – Latest Trailer

Summer just got a little bit hotter with the release of the latest Iron Man 3 Trailer!

Loosely based on the critically acclaimed comic run “Extremis” by Warren Ellis, Iron Man 3 will push Tony Stark (Robert Downy, Jr.) to his limits as his world is threatened by long time comic-book arch nemesis, the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). I doubt this film’s Mandarin will have power rings for weapons but it is confirmed that a couple more villains and characters are slated to show up–namely Jack Taggart/ Firepower and Eric Savin/ Coldblood. Who? I know! But from their impeccable track record, we know that these guys have a knack for putting out B-comic book characters and giving them a fresh new and quite memorable treatment like what they did in the last film.

Fo' Shizzle!
Fo’ Shizzle!


In the trailer we’ll see what we’ve speculated from the poster below. That Tony will either battle his other suits or he’ll be controlling them for an all out attack. Either way we’ll see a lot of Iron Man armor getting blown to bits!

…he’s a cool exec with a heart of steel…

And here’s the International Trailer. Drools!

Iron Man 3 also stars Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce as Aldrich Killian and Rebecca Hall as Dr. Maya Hansen. It is produced by John Favreau and Kevin Feign and is directed by Shane Black.

Iron Man 3 on April 25!


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