People Are Putting the Nintendo Switch Cartridges in their Mouths

So, the Nintendo Switch is finally out and we’re hearing that, while it could use a bit of work, it’s still a pretty solid console. What we didnt expect to see while combing through tech news, is people putting their Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild cartridges in their mouths or licking them. It’s weird, but they are confirming something Nintendo has done to make sure kids don’t accidentally choke on them.

Random Toddler Photo on the Interwebs.

If you aren’t in the know, the size for the cartridges for the Nintendo Switch and most handheld consoles are about the size of an SD card; making them a bit of a choking hazard for younger kids who have a tendency to put things in their mouths. Nintendo realizes that Dads or Moms, but mostly Dads, may have a tendency to leave cartridges within reach of their toddlers and have coated their cartridges with Denatonium Benroate — an extremely bitter but non-toxic chemical compound used as an adversive — to make them spit out the cartridge almost instantaneously.

Don’t believe us? Check out this video by Tech YouTuber, Jonathan Morrison. 

So, there you have it. If you’re a parent and may find yourself leaving cartridges lying about, you can rest a little easier that your kid will be a bit safe from your Switch cartridges.

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