RazerGo: Razer’s Chat Platform for Pokemon Go Trainers

Unbox 18 - RazerGo

The Pokémon Go app doesn’t have a built-in chat system, at least for now, and that seems somewhat counter-intuitive for a social game that has brought together a lot of people all in the name of Pokémon catching. Enter RazerGo, gaming hardware company Razer’s answer to the dilemma.

Currently available for iOS devices, with an upcoming Android release, RazerGo is a chat app “engineered to ensure that your conquest to becoming the ultimate Pokémon Master goes smoothly and with minimal disruptions.” A web-based version is also available for desktop use.

RazerGo boasts a nifty location-based chat system that you can easily filter based on operating radius. Taking advantage of Razer’s existing chat infrastructure, RazerGo will enable Pokémon trainers to discover fellow players in their region and form bonds with them in the never-ending quest to catch ’em all. And don’t forget about Pokémon duels too! That’s part and parcel of becoming the very best like no one ever was.

RazerGo has all the features of a robust chat app, which includes private messaging, public chatrooms, and team-based chat lobbies. With the help of RazerGo, Pokémon trainers can easily coordinate with each other and take on difficult objectives – catching powerful, legendary Pokemon – like a well-oiled Pokemon hunting machine.


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